Our mobile unit can meet at your business, dealership, or office to perform wheel repair in Los Angeles on the same day that we receive your request. We provide refinishing, straightening, and refurbishing to restore the quality of your wheels.
Before you put that car out on the lot, have our professional technicians go over the wheels and rims to get them looking good as new.
Need to return your rental car or lease to the rental agency dealership, but noticed that the wheels have a scratch or discoloration? These minor defects can end up costing you major bucks.
Luckily, Ace Auto Recon offers mobile wheel repair on leases and rental cars, with a gurantee that you will pass inspection.
We will show up at your home or office and use our collection of 40 paint colors to remove the damage at a percentage of what the dealership would charge. You still have to spend money, but it will save substantially you on repairs.